Florida Guidant Defibrillators Attorney
Guidant Corporation, which is an Indianapolis-based company, has recalled thousands of its medical devices since June 2005. There was a new study funded by the Food And Drug Administration and conducted by a team of researchers at Harvard University that showed a trend even more alarming. The number of malfunctions going unnoticed by the government is increasing.
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The attorneys at Zimmerman & Frachtman can represent people who have been injured because of a defective product. If you have been injured or lost one of your loved ones as the result of a defective medical device, then you can file a claim against the manufacturer or supplier. You may be able to get compensation.
The Harvard study showed that physicians had to replace 7.9 out of 1,000 defibrillators because of malfunction. However, that rate jumped to 38.9 out of 1,000 by 2001. In 2002, the rate decreased slightly to 20.7 out of 1,000. It is estimated that half of the implanted defibrillator malfunctions occurred within the past three years.
Guidant Corporation has stated that 500,000 people in the United States had one of the recalled defibrillators. The company has stated the defibrillators have malfunctioned at least 45 times, which has lead to two deaths. The malfunction damaged the circuitry in the device. As the result of this, the device did not deliver a shock when the heart was beating irregularly. This malfunction can lead to a life-threatening event. Additionally, the device does not give any indication that it is failing. There have also not been any tests performed that can predict whether the device will fail.
Guidant admitted that they waited three years before telling patients and doctors about the defect. The company has stated that they will pay for the cost of a new defibrillator. They will also pay $2,500 extra for any expenses that are not covered by health insurance.
Zimmerman & Frachtman are representing people who have suffered harm as the result of a defibrillator malfunction. The attorneys know the legal system, law and victim’s rights.
Contact us online or call (954) 504-6577 to learn more during a free, confidential consultation.

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