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What Are the Winter Road Dangers to Worry About?

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Winters in Florida are much different than in many other parts of the country. Driving in the winter across the nation is typically dangerous because of snowfall and heavy rains, but the months between November and April are usually the driest of the year. However, that doesn’t mean there are no dangers to worry about during this time frame.

The winter months, while not marred by inclement weather, are dangerous for different reasons. Whether you’re a driver, bicyclist, motorcyclist, or pedestrian, you should pay close attention to the dangers so that you know how to stay safe. If someone else’s negligence causes you harm, you have the right to pursue compensation.

Below, we will explain some of the most dangerous aspects of the winter to recognize how you can stay safe.

If you suffer an injury and need to pursue compensation, call our firm at (954) 504-6577 today.


Because the winter months in Florida are much nicer than other areas, the state receives a lot of people from other areas who vacation here for an extended period of time. While it’s great for the state, it means more congestion on the road. More snowbirds also mean more individuals who are not nearly as familiar with roads and traffic patterns.

Many people rely on GPS systems when they’re not familiar with where they’re going, but that means they have to look away from the road. These drivers may not recognize specific traffic patterns, which could lead to the driver causing a significant crash.

Unfortunately, as safe as many drivers are, dangers exist anytime there are more drivers on the road. Congestion during this time of year can be daunting, potentially resulting in a crash.

Holiday Season

The holiday season is officially here during these months, which means plenty of celebrations, get-togethers, and shopping. Unfortunately, all of these can present significant dangers. For instance, the increase in shopping can increase the possibility of parking lot accidents, inadequate security, and other problems.

The holidays also see an increase in drunk and tired driving. More people are out celebrating with their loved ones late at night. When they leave their event, it may be too late and result in these drivers causing devastating collisions with their negligence.

Random Changes In Weather

While these months are some of the driest, it’s vital to remember that there are a few days when rain may fall. Unfortunately, the random rainfall can be dangerous as many people expect dry weather during these months, especially out of towners. They may not maintain their vehicles well enough to handle the random weather change, resulting in a potential crash.

If someone else causes a crash, and you suffer an injury, know the laws in Florida and how insurance companies allow you to pursue compensation. Working with legal counsel can help you understand your rights, but even more importantly, it can help safeguard you from many of the ways insurance companies try to save money.

At Zimmerman & Frachtman, P.A., we put you and your needs first. We know that when someone else causes you harm, you challenge large insurance companies who put many hours into protecting their profits. However, we don’t back down from those who try to take advantage of your rights during a vulnerable time.

Our Florida car accident attorneys go above and beyond to help you through the process. Trust that we will pursue the justice you deserve and hold negligent parties accountable for your damages. We give you a voice and serve as your beacon of hope, helping you move forward when you need it the most.

Call our firm today at (954) 504-6577 and schedule your free consultation.

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