
What Factors Determine How Long a Settlement Should Take?

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In case anyone has suffered any personal injuries and wants to file a lawsuit, then they may be wondering how long they’ll have to wait before getting compensated. There are a number of factors that determine this time, and each changes according to the particulars of a case. Below are factors determining any compensation timeline. However, don’t forget to seek further explanations on the same from a Fort Lauderdale personal injury law firm to have all the facts and that every case can vary.

Creating a Settlement Timeline

Remember that some of the factors below may not fit into a person’s timeline and may vary greatly even if they factor in. The attorney and the person they are representing will go through the factors one at a time.

The Degree of Treatment

A person may take months to recover depending on the seriousness of the injuries. Alternatively, the victim may be okay in just 12 hours. When a person is in recovery and can discuss their options with a lawyer, the sooner they start, the better.

Finding an Attorney

One of the most crucial steps in winning a personal accident case is finding the right lawyer. Begin by taking advantage of all the free consultations that most lawyers offer their potential clients. While at it, interview them, try to understand their procedures, ensure that they are trustworthy, and generally ask what they think about the case.

Build a Case

After finding the right lawyer, work together to gather every fact about the accident to build a strong case.

Try to Settle

After gathering all facts about the case, the attorney can try to settle with the defendant out-of-court or with their insurer. This will be easier for the involved parties, as trials are sometimes time-consuming and expensive.

File Lawsuit

In case settling out-of-court fails, the timeline will be significantly extended due to the court processes the victim will have to undergo.


In discovery, there are explorations and interviews among other things, so as to help the court fully understand the situation.


After finding all the facts to a case, either party may again try to reach an agreement to avoid a trial. Once a case reaches the trial stage, it will no longer be in the hands of the involved parties. At trial, the final decision becomes that of the jury and the judge. Negotiating may be the right option depending on the facts that the other side has on the case. If the settlement is fair, go for it instead of going to court.


During the trial, the involved parties will use Florida’s court system to determine court dates, the process’ speed, and final decision.

How Long Does a Case Last?

The best person to answer this question is the attorney representing a victim. Although there is no specific timeline for a settlement, an attorney may be able to give a good estimate based on their experience. They will provide the victim with information on how all the facts about the case will factor in together to determine if a court trial is worth it.

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