
Elder Abuse Increasing In Florida

elderly hand held by a helper

The number of elderly people being abused in Florida is on the rise. Slip and fall cases and car accidents are the areas of personal injury that most people are familiar with. However, elderly people who are abused can also file a personal injury claim. Elder abuse may be considered a crime that can be prosecuted by the government. It can also be considered tort, which allows the victims to sue the responsible party for damages.

The Orlando Sentinel has stated that there is no federal agency that keeps detailed information on the number of elders who are abused. However, there are government departments and social services that keep track of this information. According to the Florida Department Of Children And Family Services, the number of elder neglect and abuse cases has increased by 74 percent since 2011.

There were 2,525 verified cases of elder abuse in Florida in 2015. This number is high, but personal injury attorneys know that the actual number is a lot higher. Shame, embarrassment, and fear are what keep many people from reporting elder abuse.

Eight hundred people have been charged with elder abuse and neglect since 2011. Over 370 people have been sentenced or convicted. This does not mean that the rest were not found guilty. These people may have entered diversion programs or plea deals. Criminal punishment is not the only consequence of elder abuse. The victims or their families can collect damages for the injuries as well as the pain and suffering.

Elders who are being abused often show symptoms. That is why if you have an elderly loved one, then you need to look out for changes. Some of the symptoms of abuse include rapid weight loss or gain, cuts, wounds, unexplained injuries and bed sores. Those symptoms do not necessarily indicate that your loved one is being abused or neglected. However, you may want to further investigate if you notice strange symptoms. You want to ensure that your loved one is safe and being cared for properly.

If you believe that your loved one has been abused or neglected, then you will need to contact the authorities. You will also need to contact a personal injury attorney. Our attorneys will review your case and help your loved one get compensated for the pain and suffering that he or she has endured. You can call us or email us to schedule your free consultation. We look forward to hearing from you and assisting you in whatever way that we can.

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